I have not been able to follow up with all those plans of writing the post-Deathly Hallows posts here since 21st July as I prepare for 21st October. However, when I came across this graphic by Jenn Kennedy I felt sort of compelled to write. I’ve been re-reading Deathly Hallows and following Leaky News for more updates and discussions but if the mania leads to this, there certainly is a need for the obsession to be taken in a creative way.

Many Harry Potter reading groups are coming up with a Withdrawal plan where they get together and talk about their favourite and important aspects in Rowling’s work and then also read other Fantasy books to carry on with the reading habit.

I feel associating this withdrawal not just to the level of obsession with the story but also to the habit of reading as for many teenagers, this was the first time they started reading regularly. Now it needs to be followed up properly. Internet, that has played major part in popularising the boy wizard is also doing a good job in pulling people out of this and helping them divert their energies to better activities.

The level of hysteria that Rowling’s fantasy has enjoyed seems unprecedented. I wonder when is the world going to witness excitement that lasted over a decade for the same story…till something new comes along for the excitement seekers… the taste of Rowling’s fine writing lingers on…